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Inter School Activities

Intra School

It is impossible to reduce the spirit and life of a school like Subodh in the pages of books. To develop the all round personality of the students, to face the undaunted task and turbulent world of future and to enhance social interaction, leadership, healthy recreation, self discipline, and self confidence ,the school conducts various intra school (co-curricular) activities. The aim of conducting these activities is to make the students fit for the future time and to develop a sense of competitive spirit, co-operation, leadership, diligence, punctuality, team spirit, as well as to provide a back drop for the development of their creative talents. Practical knowledge can be imparted through these activities. These tasks require precision, management and organizational skill and such activities provide training to prepare students for the outside world. With this aim in view the school conducts various intra school activities.

Get In Touch

Bhawani Singh Marg, Rambagh Crossing, Jaipur - 302015, Rajasthan

+91-141-2568477, 2572426, 2570348



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